Below are some websites that you may want to explore for further research and reading.
www.porkbeinspired.com | National Pork Board site featuring recipes. |
www.eatpork.org | Kansas Pork Association site featuring information on Kansas pig farms and recipes. |
www.porkandhealth.org | National Pork Board site geared for nutrition professionals that has information on healthy pork meals and how pork fits into a healthy diet. |
www.porkcares.org | National Pork Board site to help non-farmers learn how pork is raised and grown for food. This site addresses hot topics in food such as antibiotics, hormones and environmental information. |
www.kansasfarmfoodconnection.org/ | Kansas agriculture focused website for non-farmers to visit to learn more about Kansas agriculture. |
iqcalculators.com/calculator/land-loan/ | Land Loan Calculator |
iqcalculators.com/calculator/farmland/ | Farmland ROR Calculator. |